Rough week at work. I've been pulling double duty, and the stress and hectic nature of trying to managing two jobs at the same time has worn me out! But, I got home today, after stopping at the store, and took a nice long nap. Ok... at first I sat down to do a post, then after I woke up slumped across my keyboard and had a page and half of fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff to delete, I went to bed and had another nap. I got up having left my youtube video's playing, and heard this first song. What a great way to wake up!
ok. fun, right? here's one where you just really can't take yourself seriously... and I dare you to be walking around the house, in private, and not do something stupid while this song is playing! LOL!
ok, and to end the music rendition for a moment, a bit of reminder that we all live in a place that crazy stuff happens. Live your life today, tomorrow isn't promised. I need to live by those words, but.... well, like most things, so much easier to say that than to do it.
And, finally, this one is for my brother and best friend. Dance, my brother. Hugs and loves.
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