Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Change is Gonna Come

Hello my friends,

  I guess we all struggle with something, and I try to remember that as I go through my own rough patches.  Sometimes our own struggles seem to be all we can see, though.  And, so as I was sitting here, trying to figure out just what I could and couldn't do, I heard this song come on.
    This song has a tendency to force me to realize that my own problems are small in comparison with some others in this world.  But, It gives me great hope as well.   When this song was written and performed, hope was there for change but it was by no means a given for so many people.  As I look at things now, despite continuing struggles, great strides have come for black people in this country -- and I would argue for white people, too, because living a life of subjugation is no fun by far, but it is also very damaging to be subjugating others.  As a country, we have grown, and continue to do so.
  So, with that same hope, I look at those things that hammer at my mind and soul.  If I can only hang on, continue to be as smart as I can be, as level-headed as I can be, in time a change will come.


  1. You care about the problems of others because your a great human, a wonderful person, and someone who walks this life with compassion and kindness. Your heart gets down sometimes but that is because you tend to take the troubles of others to lessen their burdens and help them on their path. You walk just not for your self but you walk for all you meet, and all who meet you. Hug and best wishes. Your grand and I am better each day for knowing you.

  2. wow. Well, crap... no wonder I'm tired! I think you think too highly of me, but thank you. I frankly think you have done more for me than I could ever manage to do for you, but it's good to know that we have been good for each other!
    Hugs, my brother!
