Thursday, July 16, 2015

A bit of Chaos in a Well Ordered Life

Hello All;

  I've come to very much value what I call my "well ordered life".  I like to live quietly, to find serenity in the routine and normal order of things.  For instance, I really enjoy mowing lawns.  There is something fulfilling to me in the way that effort neatens and makes the lawn beautiful.  Ok... ocd much?  I can hear you saying it.  But, simple pleasures, right?
  Still, I like things simple.  And, I am actively pursuing that.  I've been studying what it will take to exit this rat race of a life I now lead.... go to work/go home/sleep/go to work.... it seems it never ends and I really get very little out of my work in the way of real satisfaction other than making enough money to continue doing it.  There must be more to life than that, right?  I know I've mentioned this before on the blog, my dream to retire early to some inexpensive place where I can be free.  I told my father that I want to own enough land that I can go outside to put the trash in the bin without putting my pants on first.  That, my friends, is great freedom.  Simple dreams....  Simple dreams....
  Recently,  I was talking on the phone with my friend from work.  He is in his 50's and starting a new life with a much younger bride and two very small children of around 4 years of age.  As we are talking, he says quite matter-of-factly "No Evan, do not tie the cat's tails together" to his son and we continue talking. Well, he continued talking, I was laughing uncontrollably.
  And, so.... I offer this prayer to you all:  May you each find your well ordered life liberally sprinkled with what ever chaos makes you laugh.



  1. I can understand the wanting out of a "Rat Race" however I hope you find enough fun things to stay busy, happy, and constructive. As for going out without your pants...the world appreciates your restraint...Giggle giggle .... How ever I wish you the very best and most happiness...pants or not. Hugs

  2. Oh will share that chair with me, my legs get tired. Hey I will throw the ball if she will bring it back. That is the life, sitting in a chair on a nice day throwing a ball for her to bring back. If it was my cats, they would take the ball, shred it, bury the pieces and demand me to find them a new one. Hugs :)

    1. Hi Scottie;
      Oh, you have to bribe her with another ball. She loves the chase, but until you present her with something that is equally enticing or more to what she already has, she is content to destroy the current toy. Or bury it. You know, for however incredibly lovable our pets are, they sure seem to enjoy the concept of shredding a toy and burying the pieces. Gracie does the same. Makes me just a bit nervous!
